Everyday | Calendar Widget v [Pro] [Mod Extra] APK
Info Mod:
- Pro features unlocked – no additional key required;
- Remove Support + Rate + Share from menu;
- Menonaktifkan / Menghapus Izin yang tidak diinginkan + Penerima + Penyedia + Layanan;
- Grafis yang dioptimalkan dan disejajarkan serta sumber daya yang dibersihkan untuk pemuatan yang cepat;
- Izin Iklan / Layanan / Penyedia dihapus dari Android.manifest;
- Tautan iklan dihapus dan metode pemanggilan dibatalkan;
- Visibilitas tata letak iklan dinonaktifkan;
- Pemeriksaan paket pemasangan Google Play Store dinonaktifkan;
- Kode debug dihapus;
- Hapus nama tag .source default dari file java yang sesuai;
- Analisis / Crashlytics / Firebase dinonaktifkan;
- Tidak ada pelacak aktif atau iklan;
- Bahasa: Multi Bahasa Lengkap;
- CPU: arsitektur universal;
- DPI layar: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
- Tanda tangan paket asli berubah;
- Dirilis oleh Balatan.
Everyday is a widget to check the calendar information from the home screen. It is highly customizable with a dynamic theme engine to match your style. Let’s give it a try to explore its other features.
A widget to check the events.
A widget for the things that matter the most.
A widget to navigate through the various days.
• Calendars • First day • Days count # Empty days
• Events count • Events indicator • Events visibility and more.
• A dynamic theme engine with background-aware functionality to avoid any visibility issues.
• Configure multiple widgets with different themes and calendars to recognize them easily.
• Dedicated support section to troubleshoot general issues.
# Perform backup and restore operations to save and load the app settings.
Features marked with # are paid and Everyday Key is required to use them.
English, Deutsch, हिंदी, Italiano, Русский, Türkçe, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體)
Internet access – To display ads in free version.
Read calendar – To show calendar events and info.
Modify USB storage (Android 4.3 and below) – To create and restore backup.
– Buy Everyday Key for more features and to support the development.
– In case of bugs/issues, please contact me via email before making any review.
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